Friday, December 14, 2007

Movie Review - Golden Compass

I do not get the Religion angst associated with this film. I am told that the books are clear with their message but the film is not so overt. I go to the movies a lot so I am not too easily pleased.

I liked this movie. I went to be entertained and I was. On rotten tomatoes one commentator wrote that the actors were tripping over the special effects. I love these guys. In one film the special effects is all the rave in another they are in the way.

So if you go to see the star, -well he is not in it (or mostly not in it). If you go to be entertained then you will be.

If you go to see Jesus discounted it is not there. But if your religion is that thin stay away cause anything can break it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'll check it out. I am a fantasy geek, ya know.