Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Very, Very, Very Clever.

Uber bias magazine, Newsweek, has Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama on its cover this week. The article is called "Is America Ready?" What shit. Talk about about appealing to your guilt gland. In other words, if you don't vote for Hillary or Obama, then you are a racist and sexist.


BVM said...

Simple answer to that question: NO!

By the way, you misspelled the name of that magazine. Its Newsweak.

Unknown said...

My co-worker just said he would vote for Hillary because having a woman president would make our country look good. Which party is the sexist one?

BVM said...

He thinks Hillary looks good????

Hell, even the guy that married her won't touch her.

Unknown said...

I mean he wants Hillary for president because she is a woman. That will make us look good.

Maximum Colossus said...

Why stop there? Why not a female black midget president? That would be sooo funny!

Anonymous said...

I hate to be the voice of dissent here but I don't think the point of this was "white guilt". I think it was that despite "progress and tolerance" America just isn't ready for a woman or a black candidate, or many democrats for that matter.

This was too long to go back and look for but I believe it was Obama that inferred that when one black democrat wasn't elected, it was a more likely case that the voters wouldn't have voted democrat regardless of race.

I wouldn't vote for either of them for a lot of reasons. Partly Hilary herself, and I guess the woman thing would play a factor. I don't care if Obama is black, but mostly I wouldn't vote for them because they are stupid stupidheads which all of us around here have known as fact for quite a long time. Complaining about that party and their relavance is a complete waste of breath anymore.

Maximum Colossus said...

That article is way too long to actually read, but I read enough Newsweak to know that it is totally a guilt trip designed to pull people off of the fence and into the Liberal fold. Screw your voice of dissent CJ, nobody loves you!