Monday, March 31, 2008

Here's To Hoping

Gore? As President?
How does a party who can't even manage themselves plan to manage an entire country?


BVM said...

It ain't gonna happen. His life is too good. Why would you wanna be President?

Unknown said...

Because that is his life's dream. This is my take on Gore. When he ran in 2000, he was not considered the environmental candidate, eventhough, according to him, his lifes work was all about the environment. Nadir was the Green candidate.

When Gore lost, he became depressed. Probably kicking himself for getting whooped in the debates by a man few had respect for. He probably layed in bed awake a night wondering why he didn't talk about the environment more instead of droning on and on about the locked box. He grew his beard, got fat and pretty much removed himself from the lime light.

After about 4 years, he reemerged a changed man who was out to prove that the U.S. made a mistake and/or that he was robbed.

Since, Gore has successfully transformed himself into the green candidate he always said he was. Now that being Green is more popular than ever, and since overall feeling towards Bush are so bad throughout the country, he now feels vindicated.

But there is an arrogance about him and he needs to be loved and admired. This whole global warming thing is starting to wane in popularity a little bit and he will become obscure. Only one thing left to do to prevent that from happening. Becoming President. I think he would totally do it if he were given the opportunity.