Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Susan Atkins To Be Released For Libyan Oil

Let's face it, the crimes of the Manson family is not so very different to the crimes perpetrated by the Libyan terrorist who was recently realesed by the UK on the grounds of compassion.

Like al-Megrahi the Manson family killed men, women and children without remorse in order, as I would argue, to start a "race war". Of course the Manson family acted on the orders of a freakish looking madman who charmed many of his followers while al-Megrahi worked alone. But with the heroes welcome he received by Libya, one wonders how much Gaddafi, another freakish looking madman, knew about the plot. (could this plot have been revenge for the death of his daughter just two years earlier?)

Now that Susan Atkins is dying of cancer, shouldnt' she be released on grounds of compassion? Of course not, but to me, comparing Atkins to Megrahi helps define the decision made by Scottland (a.k.a the U.K.) with regards to al-Megrahi's release. The only real glaring difference between the two is that Atkins has since shown remorse while al-Megrahi hasn't.
And since this is so obvious to me, I am forced to wonder what Scottland gained from it.

Therefore I do believe he was released for oil
I do believe Gordon Brown knew about the release based on that reason
and I do believe Obama was informed of the decision before al-Megrahi was let go.
And the reasons for my belief is based on what the pundits have been saying in the news lately.
Questions like "when has Scottland ever acted independently from the U.K. regarding foreign affairs?" and "when has the U.K. ever acted independently of the U.S. regarding foreign terrorists?" need to be answered.

I have thought before that it wasn't going to be domestic policy to sink Obama, but foreign policy. If people become suspicious of Obama's involvment of this case and if the war in Afghanistan is perceived as a failure, I don't think Obama will recover.

The President has one primary job... keeping the country safe. All this other stuff e.g. healthcare, cap and trade, stimulus etc. won't save him once the people see Obama as being weak and unable to keep this country safe. Even if his socialist programs work wonders, which they won't, Obama will be seen as impotent.

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