Monday, November 16, 2009

Here's An Interesting Thought

So we all know that the left has been looking for any excuse to convict Bush and Cheney for war crimes, but they can't get an indictment.
So now that KSM is being tried in civil court, classified information on how he revealed his answers will be exposed. Therefore, this trial isn't for justice, but to convict Bush and Cheney. Anyone agree with that?


Arvin Leroux said...

I don't know the difference between a civil court and military court, someone explain to me why one is more appropriate than the other.

CNN says most people want a military trial in the U.S.

BVM said...

The two processes are very different.

From what I understand:

Civil Court (this explanation is not compreshesive in any way): Designed for civilians. Civilians get tried in front of their peers, other civilians. Designed for the breaking of civil laws. Many, many steps to the process, which includes both sides having to submit all evidence. This is where the Bush/Cheney "regime" and the CIA/FBI/Military/Homeland Security, etc. have to provide billions of documents to the defense on how evidence was gathered. Were Miranda rights read, was there "torture" etc. With civil court you have to have an impartial jury. Where are you going to find that in NY? A mis-trial can be claimed, and on and on. The civil process can take many, many years and cost lots of money. During the whole trial the terrorists will get to stay on American soil.

Military tribunal: Designed for people who commit war crimes. Think treason here. Acts of war are considered, I believe, as an act against the country not just individuals. The process does not have all the built in "safe-guards" that the civil process gets, like disclosure of how evidence was gathered.

The PENTAGON was attacked. If that's not a military target I don't know what is.

Megan said...
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Unknown said...

It follows the whole "we're not calling it terrorism but man-caused disasters" the Obama team has put out there. Why would they put it to a military tribunal when there is no war? The only war out there is the one caused by Bush and Cheney. I guarantee that the left would love to see those two face a military tribunal for war crimes. KSM is just a radical and every religion breeds radicals, right?

Arvin Leroux said...

I heard some quotes from 2 mothers of people who died in WTC attacks tonight on talk radio; very compelling arguments for military court. I can't remember what they said or how they said it but it was indisputable in my mind. I'm sold.

Thanks dudes.