Monday, September 24, 2007

Better than that Achtung-Jihad guy.

MTV in Italy actually plays videos, unlike here in the US where its Spinny-rim G-dawgs or reality programming.

This video was refreshing to see:


Anonymous said...

Wow that was a flashback to the 80's and in more ways than one. 80's style music, 80's style video, and it makes me wish for a return to music video.

BVM said...

Yeah, Monika and I felt the same way. We watched MTV for a while and pretty much every video and its music just suck. None of them have the singers or bands doing anything interesting, they just film them playing, they move the camera around a bit, zoom in, zoom out, run the shit through a photoshop filter and call it done.

This video had us smiling ear to ear after watching all that other stuff.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather watch crappy music videos, though, than some lame waspy 19 year old living in Beverly Hills buy a frappuccino and whining about how her life is soooooo hard.