Friday, February 06, 2009

Good Stuff.

Here's a couple of great opinion pieces CJ just sent me.


I was looking at that salary cap bull the other day and thinking very much the same thing, but now I'm not so sure. Corporate CEOs are unlikely to police themselves no matter what the financial situation. In fact, they are more likely to make a cash grab in a time like this. This guy makes the case that good CEOs will turn down opportunities because of this action, but I doubt that very much. Even without bonuses most company CEOs are wildly overcompensated. It's just the same as how you will never convince me that inner city kids will give up sports if they can only make a maximum of $1,000,000 or 2,000,000 dollars a year. I hate the idea of this action on principle, but to say things have gotten out of hand is an understatement. Nobody is "earning" that kind of money.


That one is gold.


Unknown said...

Maybe they should cut the pay of politicians and take away their private jets.
Aren't they on govt. handouts?

Unknown said...

Jonah Goldberg's article was great. I read his book "Liberals are fascists" or was it "If I were a liberal I would probably be sucking a dick rather than writing this book"
or something like that.
The title isn't important, but his book read like a textbook and I was unable to finish. This article on the other hand ruled.

Arvin Leroux said...

I think the salary cap is crock. There's been similar things attempted in the past and the corporations find ways around it, ie. the company will pay the CEO's mortgage, pay the COO's property tax, and/or the CMO's magazine subscriptions. It's a farce, theater.