Friday, February 27, 2009


This does not bode well for marble night at the local tavern. Seriously, though, peanut shells? Not exactly banana peels we're talking about here.


Tenacious E said...

What a silly ass world

Anonymous said...

Hmm. I wonder if you could test to see if it's even possible to slip on a peanut shell given that they are so much smaller than the sole of a shoe, even a high heeled stiletto. It seems to me that one would have to succumb to more than just a peanut shell interfering with the necessary friction to walk and stay upright. Not to mention the countless other places where peanut shells are thrown on the floor and countless patrons of those establishments that defeat gravity on a regular basis.

Anonymous said...

In the restaurants that I have been to in the past that allowed this practice, I have wondered why they have not been sued yet. The shells are not so much the issue as the dust created by the said shells. The truly sad part is that the person had been to this restaurant a few times before and still had issues. The judge should have just said "You knew the risks and decided to go there anyway, its you own stupid fault, clumsy"