Tuesday, February 02, 2010

One Thing I Learned In Philosophy Class

I've just come home. I took out the trash, sat at my computer and read some Facebook posts, read some news articles and then visited Blogust and read a few posts here. After digesting all the information and hearing all the stories I've decided to quote an old existentialist and share the sentiment that, hell is other people.


BVM said...

Haha. Well this is where I vent, so my posts will rarely be positive. Sorry to make your life hell. :-)

Arvin Leroux said...

No, don't be sorry. We of Blogust are insightful, intelligent and mostly handsome. It's the rest of the population that was bumming me out yesterday; too many naysayers, whiners, dimwits, and folks who are proud without reason.

You often post things that make me laugh too, Baron. Blogust is where I come to vent as well.

Maximum Colossus said...

Actually, in case you haven't noticed, this is currently the Steve Austin Blog. Splitting hairs, sorry.

Miss Boom said...

I hear you Arvin. I'm thinking of quitting my Facebook because it's making me hate my friends.

Arvin Leroux said...

A rose is a rose is a rose. But, you're right MC. My apologies. Though Blogust started it, you pulled it from under the bus.