Tuesday, February 02, 2010

San Francisco Trash Cops

San Francisco, the city that keeps on giving. Composting is now law, well in 2011.

Here's a letter from our office manager. I guess co-workers are complaining that there's no composting in the office yet. These people are hopeless... They should be complaining that composting is a law, not the other way around.

"Currently the building is not set up for composting- I know it’s a law, but it’s one with no punishment system in place (until 2011)


The building is currently working towards getting a composting program in place. Nothing in a business happens overnight so just be patient: it will happen."

1 comment:

Arvin Leroux said...

Don't tell her I'm saying this, but my wife is all about the compost bin at home and it bugs me. The little green pail just molds and stinks up the kitchen. It would be one thing if she (or I) were to actually manage a compost pile in the backyard and use the undeniably nutrient rich matter for plants or something but we don't. The little bin just gets dumped in the big green bin and goes away to the city where I can't be sure what happens to it. The concept of compost I think is fine if it actually gets put to use. But having a big fuel consuming truck travel around to collect it just seems counter productive.