Thursday, February 04, 2010

Tough Call.

If you can only see one movie this year...kill yourself, because there is no way to decide between the ukelele movie and this, the fixed wheel bicycle movie:

True story, BTW. I played in a charity poker tournament a couple of weeks back that was put on by this guy I know. This guy is a pretty gregarious dude, to the point of actually being kind of a straight up attention junkie, but he runs a cool little bar and he's well connected and if he likes you it can get you into some cool stuff from time to time, so you put up with the guy. Could not put his fucking ukelele down for the entire damn tournament.


Miss Boom said...

Everyone hates Fixies, except for Fixies.

BVM said...

I kept waiting (hoping) for one of them to get hit by a car. But sadly, no...

Arvin Leroux said...

Already built fixies are sold at Urban Outfitters now. How's that for alternative, unique, against the grain whatever. Bah.

I've been in the room with plenty of guitar players who do the same shit that guy did with his ukulele. Drummers too for that matter, tap tap tap kick tap on the table or back of my chair. It's too bad 'cause I really like Lyle Ritz and enjoy playing. I'll never be seen at a convention or let you guys see me do it though. ;)