Thursday, May 27, 2010


Silly Bandz. Obviously, they are unbearable distraction. I wonder if we're getting the whole story here. Sounds like the kids might be inadvertently learning a little about capitalism. Or maybe they promote individualism too much. Maybe some families can't afford $5 packs of Silly Bandz. Maybe the same families who can't (or won't) feed their kids lunch and then complain because the free cheese sandwiches schools hand out make their kids feel poor. This just feels like another symptom.


Tenacious E said...

Who would trade one with a dragon for one with a mermaid. Stupid.

Maximum Colossus said...

How hot is the mermaid?

Unknown said...

I'm confused. Aren't those called Beaner Bands? When did they change the name. :)

Maximum Colossus said...

I believe the term is Mexican-American bands.