Monday, November 20, 2006

Liberals: The Most Racist?

Those who live in this country understand the fascist and racist tendencies of those who are liberal. The only people who are racist in their minds are white people, all the rest are under some kind of control by "the man".

This is the usual liberal crap-speak. One of the key tools of the liberals is to play on people's differences and twist it into something they can use to their advantage.

I had two wonderful conversations this weekend with friends I've made in Albany over the past year. They were just random meetings that turned in to some sort of bitch fest about how PC-fascist the US is becoming. And honestly it WAS NOT me that brought up the subject. I found myself being the voice of moderation. Both conversations made my day since I could have sworn these two friends didn't think like I did. But the more I talk with people in this area, the more I hear the same frustrations.

As an example, I'll list two posts linked on this site. First, these very insightful words by Mr. Kerry:

John Kerry says "I am convinced a volunteer army would be an army of the poor and the black and the brown."

Race is always used as a tool with these people. They love keeping the US divided along racial lines and use that division to create hate and polarization. Of course Mr. Kerry, who's married in to great wealth twice, thinks its a horror that anyone be "poor".

Then we have this post from Mr. Blogust. Count how many people in this photo are Black or Brown. I count none:

Now would it have made more sense if Mr. Kerry said "mostly" Black or Brown? Maybe. But the point is, he did not.


BVM said...

Check the numbers. Idiots like Kerry are dead wrong about who they think makes up the military or does the front line fighting:

58% White

Whites on the front lines

Unknown said...

Yes, Rangel makes the argument that if there was a draft, then politicians would not be so hasty to start wars. According to Michael Medved, Congressmen and Senators are more likely to have relatives in the military than any other profession. So how would this change anything?

Megan said...

Baron, that is an accurate article you just posted. A more telling statistic is the one concerning special forces which has an even higher percentage of white soldiers. Again, the number of white soldiers in the special forces has more to do with the reasons for the joining the military rather than natural abilities.