Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Celebrities Are Not Only Better Than You. They're Smarter.

So Brad Pitt almost runs over a bunch of drunks in Amsterdam and naturally comes to the conclusion that everyone in the world hates Americans. I'm not saying that it might not be true that we aren't the most popular country going right now, but I hardly think a bunch of hammered guys spilling out of a bar in the middle of the night constitutes the most accurate portrait of world views on the subject. By the way, I never knew how much Brad and I had in coming. I, too, like to pick up a bike in every country I go to and take a midnight ride. For the record, I'm pretty sure Brad means motorcycle here. Just like me. Vroom! Vroom!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I read that before and I think they knew it was Brad Pitt. In other words "They Hate You Brad! They Hate You!"