Friday, October 20, 2006

Just A Little Story

I have been wanting to write about an incident that happened some time back for a while now, but I have been so busy lately that I never had an opportunity. Now I do. Super!

I think you all know by now that my favorite watering hole is an Ethiopian place called Jarra's. I have blogged about this place before. HELL! I think I have called each one of you while getting drunk there before. Remember? Do you guys remember when I do that? Huh? Do you?
I guess you can call me a regular at Jarra's. I mean really. I am like Norm from "Cheers" at this bar, but instead they say "Blogust" when I walk in. Over the past 8 months I have naturally been able to meet other Norms at Jarra's. And we all run tabs like Norm and we drink beer like Norm and talk about work and get fat like Norm and yadda yadda yadda.

Anyway, every regular at this bar knows where I stand on politics. Mostly because I like to shout it to the moon. (or is it howl it to the moon? No idea, but I get off on it that is for sure.)

One of the regulars at this bar is named Collette and she is Lesbian and she likes to argue with me. (by the way, her being a lesbian is important to this story). So she is a lesbian and she likes to argue with me, but not in a bad way. In a good way, if there is such a thing. You know, like lets agree to disagree type stuff. So just recently she brought up the whole Foley affair, which I really don't care about, and started making claims that Republicans are hypocritical with their family values, and how Foley was on some Family values committee or some shit and that he just proves how full of shit the whole party is and blah blah blah.
So I say "The difference between Republicans and Democrats is this. When a Republican is caught with his pants down he will resign...usually. A Democrat will take it to court." Of course one has to back up such a claim and so I mentioned Gary Studs. The Democrat Congressman who wasn't busted e-mailing a page like Foley, but actually having sex with a 17 year old page back in 1983 and then went on to be re-elected. You know what she said? "At least it was with a girl!" Isn't that funny? I'll let you guys chew on that for awhile. Those are moments we pray for.

By the way, the page wasn't a girl.

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