Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Clinton Continues To Campaign Against Bush

Sounds good to me. Campaigning against a lame duck President, while everyone else is campaigning on the future doesn't seem like a smart move and that is why I am glad she is doing it. The problem is, if Obama wins, according to Politico he leads by 13 delegates, then McCain will look foolish in the debates. But if Clinton wins, then McCain can handle her and Huckabee can handle Obama. That is if Clinton picks Obama. All in all, the Republican ticket looks very mediocre to me. Still, I am pulling for em because universal health care, expiring tax cuts, 6 month mortgage relief, Democrat supreme court judges and most importantly a wishy washy foreign policy are all very scary to me. McCAIN '08


BVM said...


I believe its going to be McCain/Giuliani or McCain/Lieberman.

Unknown said...

You are dreaming with the whole lieberman thing. He would be crucified

Maximum Colossus said...

I'm calling for a McCain/McClane ticket! Yippee-cayeah, Motherfucker!!!

Unknown said...
