Friday, February 15, 2008

Zombie's Photo Essay Is Complete

This one is tops on the list.

UPDATE: Sorry, I was wrong. It looks as if part 2 isn't done yet.


Maximum Colossus said...

That's pretty good stuff. I don't know about the rest of you, but when I see that it really makes me wonder, "Was I that big a jag-off when I was in high school?" Sadly, I probably was. I'll just add that to the list of reasons I'd go back and kick my ass if I had a time machine.

BVM said...

That was a great write up as always. Mr. Zombie rules.

MC, I was never that much of a jag-off in high school. Even back then I was one of the founding members of The Wally George Fan Club. It was all in good fun, but it was our way to give the big F-U to the type of kids shown in this photo essay.

We even had a teacher representative, though we did pretty much have to meet in secret for fear of a backlash.