Thursday, October 19, 2006

Arrested Development Season 3 review

I just watched AR season 3 and I think it officially jumped the shark. I know everyone was saying Fox was crazy for cancelling this series, and before I saw the final season I agreed. I almost bought into the "America keeps Everybody Loves Raymond and dumps Arrested Development thats how dumb we as a society have become" talk, but now I realize that this final season had to go regardless of our overall IQ. Maybe businesses that are driven by money do know what they are doing. Just thought you'd all like to know.

1 comment:

Maximum Colossus said...

Unfortunately, this show was defined by it's audience from the get go. The hubris of AD fans is offputting to say the least. They killed their own show. Who wants to watch something when people are telling them they're too stupid to understand it? They're worse than music fans who get mad when people discover their band. They call the rest of the country stupid for not "getting it", but if the people did "get it", they would hate it and move on to the next obscure thing they could find. What probably happened with season 3 is the writers tried to make it more palatable for people that don't live in LA, San Fran or New York (You know, the places Hollywood thinks everyone lives). Oh, who am I kidding? Bush killed AD.