Monday, November 26, 2007

Bring On "The Bugs"

If you ever have the chance, read "Starship Troopers." Totally fun and though the movie was great, the book is just that much better. In the book, not only does Johnny Rico run around kicking major Arachnoid butt, but he does it in "powered armor." Giving him super strength and the ability to leap tall buildings with a single bound. Now the U.S. military has a prototype of their own. Not much of jumper, but hey, it's a start.


BVM said...

Really cool stuff, but..

I'll tell ya. When I worked at Lawrence Livermore National Lab I realized then that the best minds in the world are all working on how to best wage war. Its kind of sad.

I'm not saying this as a bumpersticker rallying cry, its just an honest observation.

Maximum Colossus said...

That's the coolest thing since tits. But it's missing something. Oh yeah, a gun.

Unknown said...

Necessity is the mother of invention, maybe? Or maybe only smart people enlist.