Monday, November 05, 2007

The New Facism Is Here

And its god is Gore. Remember, the Nazis were a socialist party.

I rarely tune in to NBC since they are so overboard to the left. Every once in a while I'll watch Conan, but that's it.

Please make it stop, please.


Unknown said...

Al Gore is one of the best minds on the subject, huh? No wonder I am having such a hard time taking these reports seriously.

By the way, when Condi Rice spoke about global warming I thougt I was going to throw up. I knew I was still a little bipartisan

Maximum Colossus said...

Man, I really like 30 Rock. Lame.

Megan said...

Actually, I think NBC is trying to financially capitalize on a fad. I have no problem with that.

Unknown said...

I agree, but I also feel that NBC is part of the reason the fad even exists. Create a market and then capitalize. Makes sense to me.

BVM said...

Hell, that's what Gore is doing.

But I do have a problem with it if the "market" that is created is based on a lie that says you must buy into this market or you will die. The market he's pushing also promotes massive government regulations on everything and it promotes thought control.

I can't see how any of you would agree with it.

Unknown said...

Don't agree, but it makes sense. "Buyer beware" happens from time to time. Now it is time to expose the frauds.