Thursday, November 15, 2007

Interesting stories today.

#1 I believe businesses should have the right to refuse service, however, don't be surprised if I stop doing business in your establishment indefinitely.

#2 So now only black people were ever hanged til they were dead, and the noose is purely a symbol of racism? Also, you should read about Jena 6. Pretty blown out of proportion as far as racism goes.

#3 Thinking of the children. Not to mention their humorless parents.

#4 This would annoy me, but I'm very wary of legislating against annoying.

#5 This should end hilariously.


Anonymous said...

#2 is an easy one. If you see a noose and you automatically think of lynching blacks, then you have problems. No matter what color you are.

Anonymous said...

Let me ammend that. I understand why those kids came to the conclusion they did during the Jena 6 situation. In fact, with the little information I had when I first heard the story, well I came to the same one. But I have forgotten about it since then. Especially now that I know the whole story. It is crazy how these types of events just never go away in the media. I mean, the Civil rights movement isn't even a caricature of it's former self. It is a money making industry that uses guilt to make a buck. And yet Sharpton and Jackson are still relevant and they are still able to play us. It makes me sick.