Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I Quit Smoking...

...about six months ago, but this is still one of the most annoying Dear Abby responses I've ever read:

DEAR ABBY: I am well aware of the risks of smoking. However, I have chosen to take the risk and continue the habit. When I smoke, I do it only outside, away from others so I won't infringe on anyone else's health.
When people decide they need to lecture me on why I should quit, how should I politely respond that I don't need their advice? I will decide on my own when I am ready to quit and make the effort. I understand they are trying to help my overall health, but it's really none of their business. -- NOT READY TO KICK THE BUTTS IN KENOSHA

DEAR NOT READY: You're right -- it is none of their business. However, it takes genuine affection and concern to confront an addict about the risk of his or her addiction, so give them some credit for reaching out.
I find it sad that you're so hooked that you continue puffing away in spite of the knowledge that it may one day kill or disfigure you. But that said, when you are approached about it, simply repeat the first two sentences of your letter to me. That will get your message across. And when you do, please try not to breathe on them because it could be hazardous to their health.

This is my favorite line:

However, it takes genuine affection and concern to confront an addict about the risk of his or her addiction, so give them some credit for reaching out.

That's rich. Any non-smoking do-gooder worth their salt will happily lecture a random smoker at the drop of a hat and it has nothing to do with affection. Provided the smoker isn't scary, that is. Oh, and the last line is pretty solid too.


Unknown said...

You are right about that. I would say that many non-smokers compare smoking to spitting on the sidewalk. They find it totally disgusting and so when they see someone smoking their real response should be, "could you please stop spitting on the sidewalk? It makes me want to puke."

OK, so I exaggerated a little.

p.s. For those ladies who actually visit this site and who smoke, next time someone tells you about the health risks of smoking then repeat this line, "Oh it will be fine. I smoked two packs a day during three pregnancies and they all turned out alright." People will realize you aren't worth talking to about such things.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure my aunt smoked 2 packs a day through 3 pregnancies, and surprisingly my cousins did turn out alright! Maybe the daily bottle of champagne counteracted the nicotine?