Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Opening Day at AT&T Park

I saw the Giants get demolished. Fun 3 run bottom of the 9th for us, but we still lost. I don't care because Bonds is gone. Hip hip horray! Bonds is gone! Woo hoo!


Unknown said...

Just like a Giant fan. Turned a blind eye when he was rocking, but now willing to throw him under the bus like the rest of baseball.

BVM said...

Nope, not like a Giants fan. The instant he broke the single season home run record I argued that he should have been traded the next day.

I like teams, not stars.

Of course, being a Padres fan, you've never had a star (execept for that fat left fielder of lore), so you wouldn't understand.

Unknown said...

You will pay for saying that about Tony. You filthy VaGiant lover.