Monday, June 09, 2008

Must Read!

Remeber this guy? Abdul Sattar Abu Risha? Leader of the Sunni Awakening in the Al-Anbar province in Iraq. Here is his wikipedia page in case you have forgotten.
Well since his assassination last fall, his brother, Sheik Ahmed Fateh Khan al-Rishawi, has taken up the position as leader of the awakening.

Recently, Sheik Ahmad has been meeting in private with President Bush and other Washington officials and "When asked if he would send military advisers to Afghanistan to assist American troops fighting there, he said: 'I have no problem with this; if they ask me, I will do it.'" Read the New York Sun Article.

How's that for gaining an ally in the War on Terror...

Ripped this from Gatewaypundit

UPDATE: This is also a must read

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