Tuesday, September 16, 2008

If This Is True Then This Is A Very Big Deal

A must read.
"Despite his insistent demands for a rapid withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama secretly urged Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement that would lead to a draw down in troop numbers."

So Obama, who is not elected as President, tried to undermine the current elected Administration. Talk about power getting to your head. That is just incredible.

Looks like McCain is not going to let it lie. Good!

"At this point, it is not yet clear what official American negotiations Senator Obama tried to undermine with Iraqi leaders, but the possibility of such actions is unprecedented. It should be concerning to all that he reportedly urged that the democratically-elected Iraqi government listen to him rather than the US administration in power. If news reports are accurate, this is an egregious act of political interference by a presidential candidate seeking political advantage overseas. Senator Obama needs to reveal what he said to Iraq's Foreign Minister during their closed door meeting. The charge that he sought to delay the withdrawal of Americans from Iraq raises serious questions about Senator Obama's judgment and it demands an explanation."

UPDATE: Here is the NYPost Article that came out today

1 comment:

Maximum Colossus said...

CNN does not have anything on this, so it is obviously bullshit. Ahh-Ahhhh-burntumber!