Thursday, September 25, 2008

O'Reilly Calls Out Both Sides Of The Aisle

He really freaks out. Blames both the right and the left for being idiots.
Kinda like it.


Unknown said...

After listening to this, I have to admit O'reilly hit home a little. Maybe I too drink the kool-aid. So I've decided not to care about this $700 billion bailout and I will instead trust that congress knows what they are doing and not let it ruin my day.
Nothing else I can do anyway.

BVM said...

Hot Air has Levin's reply.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the heads up. I'll link to it and get back to it later.

Unknown said...

My whole thing is that guys like Levin, who I listen to, and O'Reilly, who I watch, get me all charged up when they start ranting and then I start ranting. In effect, I drink the kool-aid by listening to these guys and letting em get to me.

In short, I don't like this bailout, but I am not going to let myself get riled up over it and maybe, hopefully trust that the "experts" will know what they are doing. that is all I can do.

BVM said...

O'Reilly is just OK. I watch him once in a while. Only about 50% of his show has anything meaningful to say.

The other 50% is just Geraldo-esque. "Did you hear that they are allowing nude beaches in Florida, and we have the video to show you" or some such kind of crap.

Yeah Bill, you're really pissed about that sex thing you just brought up. He's just a smut peddler pawning him self off as righteous.