Thursday, September 25, 2008

This Could Hurt.

McCAin cancelled on Letterman. This is pretty funny. Long video, but basically McCain called Letterman and Cancelled saying he had to jet back to Washington and deal with the economy. then, during Dave's show taping, word comes over that McCain is down the street doing an interview with Katie Couric.


Unknown said...

I heard a little about this on the way to work. I guess Olbermann took his place? That seems like calculated move.
I also heard that the two made cracks about Mccain being a war hero and that there is no war heroes or some shit. I don't know. I don't like listening to olbermann so I'm afraid to watch it.

Maximum Colossus said...

Olbermann's hardly in the video.

BVM said...

I don't like Letterman, so I'm afraid to watch it.

Maximum Colossus said...

Jesus, you weenies, then don't watch the damn thing.

Unknown said...

I watched.

Unknown said...

I thought it was good move by McCain and I think the debate is still going to go on.

Letterman is talking like he has never had anyone cancel before. He can't see that maybe McCain, a paid Senator, might have bigger things to take care of? Campaigning is important but it is mostly show and glitz. McCain is busy working. It may not help his campaign, but I don't care if it does.

If the American people don't like McCain for cancelling a show with Letterman because of priorities then so be it.