Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Getting Used To Standing In Bread Lines

And getting used to Utopia.

The beauty of universal healthcare means no insurance companies, no doctor patient relationships, no incentive and no accountability. Awesome!

The wonders of the fairness doctrine and the death of talk radio. The only balance to the MSM. Bye bye free speech.

Loving the idea of equal pay for equal work. No longer will we reward people for ability and hard work. Equality is the name of the game now.

And don't let me forget that there will be no incentive for someone to try and earn over $200,000 ($250,000 if you are married). The strive for wealth will finally be dampened and greedy money grubbers will no longer exist. (by the way, since married couples get taxed at $250,000, what is the incentive for both to work. Or to get married at all for that matter)

Investing in the Stock Market? Yeah Right! Pull your money out now while you still can, even though the market is shit, because if you don't it will be taxed 50% more in 4 months.

Ahhhh the Corporate tax. What a wonderful idea. Now we can drive the rest of them corporations overseas. GET OUT OF HERE YOU GREEDY PIGS!

Ooh ooh, I almost forgot. 3 new judges. People have been focusing on Roe v Wade for so long that they forgot about a lefty, I mean, utopian judgment that was ruled about 4 years ago. The new and improved version of eminent domain. Now that private property is no longer taken by just the state, but by another private party as well....? Well then I say "Hellooooo China."

Who says there is a seperation of church and state? We have Garotzuva, who never was the God of Global Warming as far as I was concerned. To me, he has always been the God of greed and excess. Captialism has lead us astray, boys, and we should let Garotzuva remind us of that.

Lastly, don't forget our new allies, Los Tres Chiflados. The membership of this group has changed so much over the last 3 years that I can't keep up. But you can rest assure that Hugo "Moe" Chavez will be there. Amen to that.

There is more, but why bore us all. Now that we will be livin' in a Utopian society, well then, I want to go out and PLAAAYYYYYY!!!!!

UPDATE: I no longer care


1 comment:

BVM said...

If what you say does happen, then this will indeed be a Carter presidency. Good in that it will be a one termer, bad in that more Government programs will be put into place that will bite us 30 years later, like Carter's brilliant CRA program.

Everything you just brought up points to no economic growth. Economic growth is what we need.

I still think that, no matter who wins, they are out in 4 years. But what do I know.