Friday, March 20, 2009

Oh No He Didn't!

Alright, there are plenty of reasons to get down on Obama, but this is not one of them. In fact, it's the first time he's ever seemed human to me. I mean, I know there are people out there that flip out over the "R" word or any reference to things like Special Olympians being less able than others, but come on! Why aren't they in the real Olympics then? Is this really going to set the retarded movement back that far? And spare me the insensitivity garbage. It isn't the mentally handicapped who are so upset about this sort of thing. I probably can't even say mentally handicapped. Somebody hook me up with the proper terminology. How about "Those who are blessed with childlike wonder?" I'm going to get hell for this, aren't I?

It's hard for me not to punch my TV screen when Olberman's on there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You would feel pretty silly if you punched your screen over that guy.