Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Time To Move To Texas.

As far as action hero politicians go, I think I'd take a chance with Chuck Norris over Arnie at this point.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of Chuck, if you want your head to explode, give this a read:

"In celebration of his 69th birthday tomorrow, Chuck Norris will randomly select one lucky child to be thrown into the sun [Hero]"

I stopped reading Fark.com years ago because I saw it becoming a cesspool of liberal idiots. I'm sorry to see that I correctly read the handwriting on the wall.

Maximum Colossus said...

I just go for the links.

Maximum Colossus said...

Besides, if you want to avoid a cesspool of liberal idiots, what are you doing on the internet at all? Or walking down the street for that matter? I suggest the woods. The deep woods.

Anonymous said...

"Besides, if you want to avoid a cesspool of liberal idiots, what are you doing on the internet at all?"

Fair question. I wonder that at times as well. I don't think the woods are the solution to escaping liberal idiots, however. With my luck, I'd stumble into a hippie commune if I did that. Or some sort of tree-sitting practice session. They're akin to cockroaches like that.