Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Clinton Advisor Says Planet Already Overcrowded

This article is a positive/negative for me. On the one hand, Dr. Federoff spouts off with one of my least favorite comments, "the earths population is too big." A statement that shows no proof what so ever. With life expectancy at an all time high world wide, and high food reserves, one wonders what they base their analysis on.
But as I read just a little further, the Dr. did touch on something I find interesting and agree with.
Here is the money quote

"Dr Fedoroff, who wrote a book about GM Foods in 2004, believes critics of genetically modified maize, corn and rice are living in bygone times."

Exactly! Using caveman technology will not be able to sustain our current population, but modern technology will.
And the same thing could have been said a hundred years ago. Two hundred years ago. Can I hear 3 hundred? As population advances, so does technology and vice versa.

Technology is a good thing. Man needs to be allowed to advance and grow. If that happens, I believe the pie gets bigger and the sky is the limit.

1 comment:

Maximum Colossus said...

If you're standing in the middle of New York or L.A. or Tokyo or Hong Kong or any other- whatchyacallem population centers?-then it's pretty obvious that overpopulation is a huuuge problem. Just like if you are looking at a factory smokestack it is obvious we are killing the planet.