Monday, April 20, 2009

Demonizing Fat Peolple

Staying slim will help save the planet
Like with smokers, there is a major push to demonize fat people.
I predict a soda tax, a fast food tax, a fat person fee when riding on public transportation, and a fat person fee when receiving health care.
Taxing people's addictions have become all to easy in today's climate. What is even scarier is how willing people are to swallow this garbage.
Long gone are the good old days when they just blamed all the world's problems on the Jews.


Peeved Guy said...

...and so it begins:

Unknown said...

At the same time, I don't mind it if a private company decides to charge double. Fat people are huge. It's when the govt. gets involved is when I have a problem with it. If Amtrak charged double then I will start to get nervous.

BVM said...

Blogust has made a good point in the past.

People that are in shape have a higher metabolic rate, therefore they actually eat more than fat people, but they don't show it.

Case in point. My wife used to have a room mate that was a hard core moutain biker. After each workout he would eat an entire large pizza by himself!!

And think of all the plastic bottles of super-special-glowing-colored-bottled water that get consumed in gyms!!

Maximum Colossus said...

In my opinion, this is another case of so-called scientists getting away with reporting whatever they want, because at they end of the day, they are only trying to affect things in a way most people would agree with. Basically, "Let's report our theory that fat people affect the climate adversely, because even if we are proven wrong down the road, our only real goal was to encourage fat people to get healthy no matter what. And who thinks that's a bad thing?" It is exactly the same thing as the Global Warming sitch in general. When all is said and done, if scientists are ever proven to have overstated man's effect on the climate, they still had only the best intentions and it certainly didn't hurt the planet. They will never be held accountable for their lies.

Ryan in China said...

I'm doing my part by drinking new MGD 64. Only 64 calories with the same great taste as lightly flavored water.

Seriously though we need to start changing the perception of fat people through youth directed advertisement. Lets slim down santa claus, put the kool aid man in a high ball, turn Barney into a fat hateful junk food addict. Then kids will start to associate obesity with unattractive vulgar perceptions. Instead of jolly delicious good times.

CJ said...

Or, instead of changing the entire advertising campaigns of national franchises, we could just revert back to "olden" days and make kids go outside and play with their friends instead of sitting in front of the PS3 eating all the shit in the unattended cupboards.

Everybody knows PS3's and junk food is for adults.

Maximum Colossus said...

Too true. Besides, those little kids make me look bad during online play. I need some time to catch up.