Thursday, April 02, 2009

Oh, God.

Atlas Shrugged: The Movie. I can barely even begin to imagine the ways they will butcher this, especially since it appears the Rand Estate no longer has a voice in the project. I imagine the trains will all run on bio-fuels, Reardon metal will be made from the most innovative recycling procedures ever developed, and Dagney will track down John Gault after finding mysterious gum wrappers wherever a tycoon quits his business.


Unknown said...

Hahahaha, gum wrappers. I like that idea.
I totally agree. Somehow they will spin this as if the govt. has prevented the creation of alternative fuels (which maybe they have. I don't know)
and the whole message will be lost in liberal cause du joir.

Unknown said...

By the way, does anyone feel the writer of the article is leading the reader a bit?