Wednesday, August 02, 2006


As part of his answer on "Will Humanity Survive?", Hawking honestly brings up Aliens. To me, the question is ridiculous. As is his bringing up Aliens.

OK, lets see, just to name a few...

The Great Flood (For those who believe it) - We Survived
Ice Age - We Survived
The Plague - We Survived
WWI and WWII - We Survived

Just call me Jimbo


Maximum Colossus said...

Hawking has been saying for years we should be worried about extra terrestrial threats. He doesn't want us to broadcast into space because if aliens were to find Earth they'd go all colonial on us.

You won't think it's so ridiculous when the Crab People land.

Unknown said...

This is going to be very unpopular for me to say, but one thing I learned from working at Lifesteps is that people in wheelchairs are paranoid. How is that for a timesaver?

Maximum Colossus said...

That might be the be all end all of timesavers. Crazy damn cripples.