Tuesday, August 22, 2006

How Refreshing

Here's an amazing article where a parent actually does the right thing instead of immediately suing everyone in sight. Imagine encouraging your child to overcome their fears and teaching them a valuable life lesson, instead of a lesson in entitlement and litigation. This woman should teach a parenting course.


Unknown said...

Cool! The get back on the horse mentality is good.

BVM said...

It doesn't state that she has not sued or has no plans to sue. Give it a few days. Once the leacherous lawyers read this article, I'm sure her phone will start ringing.

Unknown said...

Maybe they will sue without her.

Maximum Colossus said...

I thought of that, but decided to give her the benefit of the doubt based on her initial reaction. I won't be surprised if it happens, but I thought I'd try not being cynical right out of the gate for once. But, feel free.