Sunday, August 27, 2006

Christopher Hitchens Flips The Bird

Christopher Hitchens was on "Real Time With Bill Maher" Friday night and managed to sit through the whole show without having his head explode, but what he couldn't contain was his urge to flip off the audience. Childish but funny.

Throughout the interview, Bill Maher would continually go for the cheap laugh and applause by calling the President dumb or a bible thumper (how original), but for me, what Bill Maher intended to say was that anyone who voted for Bush is dumb. Especially those who still support him. All I have to say is "duuuhhhhh...."
Anywho, I am starting to get the feeling that the left feels they have won a moral victory since more and more Americans hate Bush and more and more Americans feel Iraq is a bad idea. But never fear, this dummy (meaning me) hasn't given up hope.
Fox News with Chris Wallace
In the second article, read what Joe Biden has to say when Chris Wallace asks
Senator, let me ask you about that, because your plan is to decentralize
the country and create sort of semi-autonomous regions for the Kurds, the
Sunnis and the Shia. But I want to put up a poll taken recently of
Now read Iraq the Model. This article doesn't have anything to do with Biden's comments, but both address the unity issue in Iraq.

By the way, here is Christopher Hitchens homepage if you liked what you saw.


BVM said...

I'm an idiot also.

BVM said...

Ummm.... Are you going to that site because you wanna meet gay jocks?

Unknown said...

Yo no entiendo

BVM said...

One more follow up. In what I saw of that interview, there is no complarison between the logic and presentation of Hitchen's arguments compared to those of Maher and the Democratic senator.

Maher, much like John Stewart, pander to their audience for cheap hoots and hardly make any points that stand up under scrutiny.

Unknown said...

Bill Maher did leap forward a little by saying Bush is good with Israel, but it didn't last long.