Monday, April 02, 2007

Republicans Can Suck It Too Sometimes.

So, I'm going to go ahead and put this one out there. Pretty screwed up stuff.


Unknown said...

This guy disagrees.

Maximum Colossus said...

Is that why it took you so long to comment? Did it take you all that time to find a dissenting opinion. Your such a good Republican. I am going to go ahead and not read your article just to piss you off. :)

Unknown said...

I have learned that quoting 60 Minutes is a bad idea. As far as I am concerned, if the Republicans do something wrong, then 60 Minutes wont have time to cover it. The story will already be front page news.

BVM said...

Yep, prices are high due to conspiracies. Man, how was I so dumb not to realize it?

Thanks 60 Minutes. Good job getting those evil corporations!

I think this post should be titled "60 Minutes Can Suck It Always". I used to get suckered in by that ticking watch too. I think it hypnotizes people.

BVM said...

Aw man. Now you've got me reading 60 Minutes articles.

No where in the following 3 page writeup (linked below) do they make a causal relationship between man and CO2. It just so happens that they say CO2 has gone up in the last 150 "dramatically", and since the industrial revolution started around the same time, it MUST be our fault.

Good God. I thought we were dealing with scientists here.


Maximum Colossus said...

Whether the report that Family America USA put out was flawed or not, the issue still remains that this bill mostly benefitted pharmacuetical companies and many congressmen were essentially paid to pass it. 60 Minutes and much of the mainstream media have certainly shown themselves to be biased in their reporting, but that doesn't make everything they report entirely wrong. The other article linked essentially says "Well, the Dems do it too". I'm tired of hearing that sort of justification. Two wrongs, people.

Unknown said...

Hey, believe me. I prefer total capitalism. No government involvment in subsidies or any sort of hand outs, but lobbies do exist. I have heard that they need to exist. That they are important to free markets. I don't know how or why, but that is what I understand. In other words, I know shit about lobbies. When I read your post I was like "Duuhhhh...What?" Which is what usually happens when I read articles about lobbies. Dem lobbies included. Nonetheless, 60 Minutes is crap and I don't believe a word they say. Bad on me? Maybe. Fuck em.