Thursday, April 05, 2007

Nope, no liberal bias here.

Is it possible to do burnt-umber in a title? Read this crap.

Notice that the options are a white female Dem, a black male Dem, or a white male Dem. Forget about the other parties.

Hell, even in the poll results they show, the numbers don't add up to 100%!!!! So who are the "undecided" voting for? They spin this article like its only a matter of time before the "undecided" decide on which Dem, not on which party.

And of course they had to insert this quote:

"People think black people will vote for a candidate because they're black, but there's an awful lot of stupid black people out there who voted for Bush," she said.

Liberals, the most racist, race is their favorite card to play.


Maximum Colossus said...

I found that quote interesting too, considering that according to that poll, no black people even consider voting Republican. {burnt umber} They must have learned their lesson {burnt umber}. Lame.

Unknown said...

I checked it out and the words "black" and "women/woman" were found together 13 times in this article.