Friday, June 29, 2007

Here Is A Riddle

I don't know if anyone saw it, not many people did, but PBS aired the Democratic debate last night held at Howard University.

I myself saw bits and pieces, so I can't really say much, but I do know they spoke a bit about the supreme courts recent ruling on Brown vs Board Of Education.
If you want to read about it read this article.

Anyway, Medved brought up a very interesting point, about the Democratic debate, on his talk radio and I want to share it with you.

It goes something like this. With all the talk last night about racism, lack of equality and lack of diversity inside schools, can anyone guess what percentage of white students attend Howard University?

Look inside comments box for the answer.


Unknown said...


BVM said...

An all black school is NOT racist. Its not. Its just not.

Megan said...

Baron, that was the best post. And I am not kidding.