Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I Don't Say This Very Often...

...but this Limey has a point.


Unknown said...

I don't know how the drinking age became 21 in this country. Was it voters? Congressmen? What? Is it a Federal Law? but I do see the same with tobacco. Businesses can lose their license if they sell cigarettes to minors and I bet many people feel that is a just punishment. Same with this case. I wouldn't be surprised if most people thought this woman got what she deserved. The writer calls it Selective Puritanism, but I think it is more than that. I think it has more to do with the idea that Americans are busy bodies. Always getting into other peoples business. On both sides of the politcal aisle.

Maximum Colossus said...

I agree that Americans are all too willing to get into each others business. Obviously, here, other people's kids were involved as well, which is why it becomes impossible to defend the actions to most. However, I disagree that most people actually agree with the punishment. Much as I disagree that most people believe a female teacher who has sex with a male student is as bad as the reverse. It's just hard to openly take that stance, just like you get shot down in this country for arguing that smokers should have rights, or that man as the cause of global warming is debatable. Al these things have become our obvious Hitlers. Our villains. It's a shame.