Monday, June 04, 2007

Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before.

Two scientists walk into a bar and have a seat. The first scientist says, "I don't understand why everybody doesn't own a hybrid car and solar panels yet. And why are we still fighting a war over oil?" The second scientist says, "I know. People sure are stubborn, guess we'll have to step up the cause with a new study I just did in my head. Check out these results." The first scientist replies, "Sweet. That ought to turn some heads." Later, the bartender brings them their tab and the second scientist reaches for it. The first scientist says, "Please. Allow me," and screams, "Fire!" at the top of his lungs and six people are trampled to death trying to evacuate the crowded bar.

1 comment:

BVM said...

Well the study in my head says they're all wrong. The world is ending tomorrow.

On a somewhat related note (something I've stated before)...

During the 2004 campaign I thought energy policy was one of the big topics. I actually vistited Kerry's site to learn what his plan was. It was something like 8 Billion to fund clean coal and that was all that was listed.

Bush had something like 4 Billion towards clean coal, and another 6 Billion or so for Nuclear.

You tell me which one had the better energy policy. Nuclear has no carbon emissions, coal is all about carbon emissions.