Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Governement In Action.

Voter fraud. In their defense, who knows how many people actually voted for that to be against the rules?


Unknown said...

This is a good example why controlling the house is important. More available hands equals more votes.

Seriously though, ID cards for the common man and retinal scans for the politicians. That is my vote.

BVM said...

I don't get this video.

So what if a guy has his friend choose what he would have chosen anyway?

"Hey Fred, I'm golfing today, please vote no on bills 23, 45, 657, and 48. Yes on 123 and 42. See you tomorrow."

I think this has more to do with getting people to show up to the job we voted them in for.

Unknown said...

They aren't just voting for a friend. The Dems and Republicans are stealing each others votes. The video makes it look like total mayhem. It would have been interesting to see what they were voting on.