Friday, October 19, 2007

Great News! Not Everyone In Berkeley Is Crazy.

I was over at Pat Dollard's site, as usual, and he linked to a great post from "Move America Forward." A rally happened between MAF and Code Pink. If you know Berkeley at all, then the pictures taken at the rally are enough to make you cry.
Tears of joy of course.

I am puzzled about one thing though. A few times the author of the site accuses code pink of sending $600,000.00 to insurgents in Fallujah. Does anyone know what this person is talking about or where Code Pink got the money if they had sent it? I mean I virtually lived next door to Code Pink's headquarters in the Bay Area, which was on the border of Berkeley and Albany, and I can tell you that the word "modest" doesn't accurately describe the shitbox these ladies dwelled in. Have they grown? Baron, you live close. Do you know?


BVM said...

I have no idea where they got their $600,000 from. The code pink wacko up the street looks just as homeless as ever.

I listen to Sussman now and then. Given how left the immidiate Bay Area is in general, you'd be surprised at how strong KSFO radio is here.

Really, the nuts are contained to the immediate bay area, within site of the water. Just over the hill, from Walnut Creek all the way to New York, its middle America.

BVM said...

I've watched the video of the Jamaican guy twice. Talk about a voice of reason in a sea of insanity.

Anonymous said...

No one in their right mind would give their hard earned cash to the crazy Code Pink lady up the street. But of course, not everyone here is in their right mind. Hmm.

Can we move now, Mike?