Sunday, October 21, 2007


Now don't have a heart attack after you watch this video. I am not a 9/11 conspiracy theorist and this video does have a lot of that in it. But we should practice what we preach and listen to some other ideas. As a staunch libertarian, I do fear totalitarian thought. World government is what I fear the most. Someone showed me this and it is fear mongering. But I did find large aspects interesting. You will to.


Maximum Colossus said...

I don't know about the World Governement being anywhere in the near future, though it probably makes sense in the far distant future. You know, when the aliens come?

Seriously, though, as far as the chip, I couldn't agree more that this is the goal of our government. And I think they are definitely using the media to meet that end.

BVM said...

Can you post something else that isn't so, I dunno, nut-job?

I'd like to hear about whatever it is you think may be going on, but without the spin and conspiracy theory doo doo that is in this video.

Maximum Colossus said...

What? You mean like the burning Constitution? Seems like a pretty accurate depiction to me. You'll think so too when they're actually burning the Constitution!

Unknown said...

I couldn't get past the beginning. The moment they mentioned the North American Union I knew this video was full of it.

For top notch fear mongering, go to, I mean, world"nut"daily. It is a crazy christian website that loves to talk about the governments takeover and how, I can only assume, these are signs of the coming of Jesus Christ. In other words, plenty on the NAU.