Thursday, July 17, 2008

Al Gore Is A Retard.

Here's the whole article. Here's my favorite leap:

Gore called on the country to produce all of its electricity from renewable and carbon-free sources in 10 years, a goal he compared to President Kennedy's challenge for the country to put a man on the moon in the 1960s.

Practically the same thing.

Update: A much more thorough accent here, where he also compares his energy plan to the interstate freeway system and social security. There's two projects that involved a whole lot of foresight for ya. I'm going to donate the first $trillion right now!


BVM said...

I stopped reading after 3 paragraphs, when I saw this money quote. Must be an election year.

"I don't remember a time in our country when so many things seemed to be going so wrong simultaneously," Gore said.

You mean this idiot got to be Vice President? Where do you want me to start, Al??

- Revolutionary War
- Civil War
- Great Depression
- 9/11
- Carter's Presidency

Anonymous said...

I couldn't read it either.

Does he really believe this stuff, or is it politics of fear?

Anonymous said...

He may be a lot of things but that doesn't give you the right to call him a retard. I don't think it's okay to use that word as it is so demeaning to people living with special needs.
Your blog is so good, why trash it by using the word retard?
I'm not trying to take away your right to use the word. Just hoping for you to see it through this mom's eyes.
best wishes,

Maximum Colossus said...

Hi hmshore, thanks for checking in with your two cents. Sorry if my wording offended you, but we don't run a real politically correct ship here. In fact, while I can't speak for all of us, I'm pretty sure the majority of our contributors tend to rail against that sort of thing. And while I realize my words may run the risk of alienating our "special needs" audience, I would hope that the retards would show a little thicker skin. So should we all, actually.

Now, I would also like to point out where you begin your comment by saying I don't have the right to call Al Gore a retard, but you finish by claiming you don't want to take away my right to use the word. Hmm, this is just the sort of double talk I'd expect from that retard Al Gore. I'll forgive the transgression this once because I'm a firm believer in the honest mistake.

Ultimately, I'll have to go ahead and assume that the use of the word strikes close to home for you in that you are likely related to and/or care deeply for a special needs individual. If that is in fact the case I can understand your hurt feelings and for that I truly apologize, but I would go ahead and remind you what the whole world needs to remember; sticks and stones may break our bones, but names can never hurt us.

All that being said, I'll just go ahead and refer to anything Al Gore says or does as gay from now on. That should put all the controversy to rest. Thanks again for checking us out!

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, MC is right. I am proud of the fact that we have a group of contributors who feel free enough to right whatever they want. Without restrictions.

"Don't post what others already posted" is our only rule.

Otherwise it is fair game and it gives us an opportunity to be as open as possible. We don't mean to be insulting but we aren't changing either.

p.s. I hope you aren't offended, hmshore, but this blog is often therapeutic for me and if we have to start worrying about offending others then I fear it will cease to be useful or fun.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, hmshore, but you now have become the only person to ever write "shiftless nigger" on this site. Want to make a point, that is perfectly fine and acceptable, but please refrain from accusing someone for saying a comment you fabricated out of thin air in order to make your point.

BVM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

AWW! What did it SAY?!?! Don't act so, um, mentally handicapped Blogust! Put it back!!!

Maximum Colossus said...

Lighten up, lady, I never called your kid a retard. And I would hardly call Al Gore defenseless. You’re going to have to help me out here, though. Are you comparing the plight of African Americans to that of special needs children, or are you saying that they are somehow intrinsically linked? I fail to otherwise see the correlation. Perhaps you’re trying to bring an entire race over to your side of this issue by implying that I’ve somehow wronged them in our back and forth here. Maybe you merely intend to discredit my views by putting hateful words in my mouth. That is quite an impressive form of debate.

You expect my shame to censure my words? What difference is there in that from taking away my right to say them? Good luck censuring the world. Good luck in outlawing every word that might hurt someone’s feelings. I have no doubt in my mind that one day you and people like you will succeed in doing just that for “the greater good” or in the name of your children’s fragile egos. Until that time I will continue to speak plainly and I can only offer you this small solace; I do not now and will never refer to any special needs person as a retard. I’ll save it for pseudo-intellectual dickwads like Al Gore. Oh great, now the dickwads are going to come after me.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maximum Colossus said...

I find it interesting that you would remove your prior comments and post this, your most lucid reply at this point. So be it. I remember your comments.

I don't really have any desire to go on with this, so I'll leave you with this. I fully understand and appreciate your point of view, but I have no intention of changing my comment. It was meant to be delivered in a tongue and cheek manner and was not intended to offend you or your family. Or any family of a special needs individual for that matter. I realize that the word's very existence offends you and that you feel as if my use of it here is perpetuating its existence and use. Maybe that's true, but it is my opinion that only those who take offense can truly stigmatize any mere word.

That's my stand, it is your right to disagree.

Anonymous said...

BVM also erased his comments. Are we all getting a little too sensitive here?

Anonymous said...

You bring up a good point, I can't have it both ways. So, I take back what I said. I don't think you have the right to use words in a manner that perpetuates marginalization and segregation for people who live with cognitive impairment. In the same light I don't think you have the right to hold a Nazi rally in a Jewish neighborhood.
Prejudice tolerated is intolerance encouraged.
And, I removed my comment because I find it offensive that I had to use the N word to get to you.

Maximum Colossus said...

But you are wrong. I, and everyone in this country absolutely does have that right. Up until it is taken away from us, that is. I think it is wrong to do the things you said as well, but when you take away the rights of people you don't agree with, you walk on a slippery slope.