Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How Do You Spell Portland, Oregon?

B-I-C-Y-C-L-E, S-U-B-A-R-U
Here is the money quote
"But McAtee got in front of the Subaru and repeatedly struck the vehicle with his bike, Yates said."
My roommate told me about this story a few days ago and I just found it. As I have said before, cyclists are everywhere in this town and run ins are not unusual. (although, beating someone with a bike seems rather odd)
Even I had to deal with a "bicycle/car" situation when a cyclist, who was riding my tailpipe, rolled over the back of my car when I came to a stop.

But it doesn't end there. Just last week I saw this woman driver cussing out a cyclist riding down the road and let me tell you, there was serious venom.
Even my roommate had a little fun one night as he tailgated two cyclists while screaming "Hey Fixie!" out his sunroof. Literally! Stuck his head through the sunroof and yelled at them all while driving. It was Awesome!
Cheers to you Fellow ex-Jara's Patron.

Solution: Offshore Drilling! :-)

UPDATE: Looks as though Portland isn't alone


Maximum Colossus said...

It's a shame not everyone was killed in the confrontation.

BVM said...

Awesome story. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

"a cyclist, who was riding my tailpipe, rolled over the back of my car when I came to a stop."

Hee hee! Did you laugh so hard you peed your pants?