Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Totally On My Bucket List

I know I have posted on this Virgin spacecraft before, but when US astronauts say stuff like this

"The private sector can go out and make money doing something that only governments now do. You really are going to see an expansion of the industry," Discovery commander Mark Kelly said.

Then of course I have to post on it again.


Maximum Colossus said...

Good stuff. I want my first ship to be a Tie Fighter!

Maximum Colossus said...

The Volkswagon bug of the sky. You know, because Darth Vader was like Hitler, and they were small.

Maximum Colossus said...

Crap! That's not to say I sympathize with the Nazis. I just think Tie Fightwers are cool looking. Damn it, I'm a people person! I'm good with people! Can't you see that?!!!

Anonymous said...

Too late, Nazis