Thursday, July 31, 2008

Smoking Ban To Hit Portland In 2009

I see no chance that this will ever happen here.


Maximum Colossus said...

That fair business thing certainly hasn't worked in this country.

My favorite thing that happened here in San Diego when they banned smoking in bars was that a lot of bars originally didn't enforce it and there was little the police could do unless they wasted a lot of manpower doing random raids and such. So what was the solution? the city pointed it out to owners whose bars were following the law and they ratted out the bars that weren't. As did other private citizenry. Now that's fuckin' teamwork!

Unknown said...

Comrade, let me zee yo paperz. We have wayz uv making you tawk.
Do you know what a zigarette burn feelz like? I do. It eez qwite uncomfortable.