Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Clarence Thomas Has It Right

Do I care if we ever have a black president serve in this country? Not really, but then again I wouldn't care if we had only black presidents serve from now 'til the end of time. I only care about a candidates ability to lead, good judgment and their philisophy on life.

It seems to me that caring about such things would, in effect, bring about self imposed affirmative action and that would lead us to vote for candidates based on our hearts rather than our minds. (by the way, I am in no way suggesting that Obama has done so well because he is black, but I am suggesting that I certainly have no compulsion to vote for the DIRTY LOUSY SCUM SUCKING Dem because he is black)

Affirmative action is one of the more disgusting forms of government mandates as it is and Thomas has it right when he says that African-Americans are better served by colorblind programs than affirmative action. I'll go one step further and say that we are all better served with colorblind programs, as well as, colorblind voting records.

1 comment:

Maximum Colossus said...

If you don't think that his being black has anything to do with his popularity and success so far you are kidding yourself. The Democrats use that as a catch all because they believe that all minorities are intrinsically bound together. Blacks, Hispanics, Gays, Women...etc. Sadly, they are not wholly incorrect as the media and minority leaders have banded togather to form an it's us against the white, male hegemony attituse in this country.