Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just Keep Talking, You Dummy

Doesn't this qoute from Obama
"Keep in mind, technically, had I meant it this way, [Palin] would be the
lipstick. The failed policies of John McCain would be the pig, just following
the logic of this illogical situation,"

kinda remind you of when O.J. said something like, "I didn't murder them white people, but here is how I would have done it."

It is like he wants to admit that he meant what he said, but instead of coming out and saying, "I called Palin a pig" or "McCain's policies a pig and her the lipstick" or whatever... Instead he chooses to imply it. What I see going through his mind is, "I am only speaking hyopthetically when talking about this whole lipstick business. I should just try to drop the subject all together, but I just can't seem to."

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